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  The Modernization and Transition of Modern Art and Literature

The Record of 5th Meeting on “The Formation of Modern China──The Inter-disciplined Research and Transformation of Modern Literature and Art”

Time: 2011/07/08 16:00
Venue: Administration Building, National Chengchi
University, NCCU Café (Shui-An Café )
Attendance: Fang-Ming Chen, Wan-Rong Wang, Ya-Fang Chiu, Ta-
Wei Chi, Chen-Chung Liu, Yu-Hsiang Hao


1. Laterally, drama is also deeply affected by novels,
and its relation with movies is worth discussion as well.
From my perspective, I concerned more about the research on
narrative, the issue of historical representation, and how
female creators conduct historical representation. Starting
from modern transformation, I perceive Taiwan’s culture in
drama as a pursuit of subjectivity and a process of
continuous conversation with western knowledge.
2. Workshop: The first workshop will be held on
November, as a one-day activity with two sessions. Poetry:
Pro. Cheng-Chen Chien. Prose: Pro. Yee-Voon Choong. The time
of workshop will be set on one of the date of 12th November
(Sat.), 13th November (Sun.), 19th November (Sat.),or 20th
November (Sun.), from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
3. The meeting time after the new semester begins will
be settled on Friday noon or afternoon.
4. The next regular meeting will be held on 19th August
(Fri.), 15:00.


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NO.64,Sec.2,ZhiNan Rd.,Wenshan District,Taipei City 11605,Taiwan (R.O.C)