Location Home > The Formation of Modern China> The Modernization and Transition of Modern Art and Literature> Team Introduction> Professor HAO,YU-XIANG(郝譽翔)
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  The Modernization and Transition of Modern Art and Literature

Professor HAO,YU-XIANG(郝譽翔)
Professor HAO,YU-XIANG(郝譽翔)

Professor of Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature, National
Chung Cheng University

參考網址: Professor HAO,YU-XIANG

‧TEL: (02)2939-3091#80611 ‧FAX: (02)2938-7803 E-Mail:sthv@nccu.edu.tw 地址:11605台北市指南路2段64號政治大學社資中心二樓
NO.64,Sec.2,ZhiNan Rd.,Wenshan District,Taipei City 11605,Taiwan (R.O.C)