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「國際秩序與中國外交的形塑」學術研討會 “International Order and the Shaping of China’s Diplomacy” Academic Seminar
連結當代與過去 國際秩序與中國外交的形塑學術研討會

「國際秩序與中國外交的形塑」學術研討會於民國102年2月1日上午於國立政治大 學行政大樓七樓第二會議室舉行。會議研討以國際秩序為主軸,剖析晚清以來,中 國對外事務的態度與反饋。
本次研討會為本校人文中心所執行頂尖大學計畫--「現代中國的形塑」研究計畫項 下所支持之外交史青年學者研究團隊,於去(101)年多次研討運作成果之展現。該 研究團隊成員為不同領域之博士生或助理教授之年輕學者所組成。該研究團隊學術 動能甚強,100年發表《多元視野下的中國外交》一書,101年出版《國際法在中國 的詮釋與運用》,展現了研究成員的學術研究的企圖心與活力。
本會議邀請東海大學歷史系唐啟華教授、臺北大學歷史系李朝津教授、中央研究院 近代史研究所張力研究員及張啟雄研究員等國內外交史專家與會外,亦邀請日本東 京大學總合文化科川島真教授、上海復旦大學歷史系馬建標助理教授以及中國社會 科學院近代史研究所呂文浩副研究員與會研討。同時,為了增進跨學科的對話,特 邀請台灣大學政治系石之瑜教授、臺灣師範大學東亞系邵軒磊助理教授擔任與談 人,增添本會議研討的多元性。
今年會議預計發表九篇文章供學界各方指參。如呂慎華兼任助理教授所撰〈庚辛之 際中國重回國際社會的努力─以兩宮回鑾問題為核心的考察〉,考察了清季庚子亂 後,兩宮西狩回鑾恢復秩序的過程之中,所參雜的國際因素與外交官的努力。蔡振 豐博士生發表〈文明秩序之參與─中國設立俘虜收容所之探析(1914-1920)〉一文 則是探討了一次大戰期間中國對戰俘的處置措施與國際法秩序之間的參與、應俊豪 副教授提出〈亟思反制:1920年代後期英國政府處理廣東海盜問題的決策轉向〉專 文,討論了港英政府在處理廣東海盜問題上,推動各種措施包含了與粵政府合作的 方式,試圖解決海盜問題,後雖然不得不放棄合作。雖然海盜問題是海上安全議 題,但事涉動武,在中國南方政府採取聯俄容共等政治事件的推展,英國外交部採 取了更謹慎的態度。該議題也體現了中國政治路線與海上秩序的維護之間巧妙的互 動連結。
在國民革命軍北伐成功後,中華民國與日本之間在東亞秩序的認知上產生的衝突。 王文隆主任撰寫〈中東路事件期間國民政府尋求國際調解的嘗試〉、張志雲助理研 究員所寫〈轉嫁歷史共業:戰後中國海關的關員審查(1945-1946)〉以及楊子震 兼任研究員〈戰後東亞區域秩序與中華民國對琉球群島政策─以在臺琉僑的政治運動 為中心〉等,都各自以不同角度討論東亞區域的秩序維護問題,不管是在國際條 約、僑民政策或是海關人員的任用都有不同層次的衝擊與妥協。
隨著二次世界大戰結束,新的世界秩序被建立,中國除了參與聯合國組織所象徵的 理想秩序外,也涉入美蘇兩大強所主導的冷戰框架。蕭道中助理教授〈1950年中共 向聯合國控訴美國侵略台灣案研究〉以及許峰源博士生發表之〈世界衛生組織中國 代表權爭議始末(1948-1972)〉分別就聯合國組織及其專門組織的運作,從中探討 中國如何參與戰後世界秩序的維護以及鞏固其本身權力;而任天豪博士生所發表 〈第三清德丸事件與冷戰中的東亞秩序─兼論釣魚台問題的一個遠因〉一文更是從第 三清德丸事件討論琉球歸屬議題,論及當前眾所注目的東海開發與島嶼主權問題, 提供當代針對此問題另一個思考的角度。
此九篇論文各從不同時期的事件,不同的觀察視角出發,皆可藉此研析釐清近 代中國逐漸參與國際社會的過程與變遷,對現代中國國際外交之形塑歷程,提供了 相當嚴謹紮實的初步觀察。


川島真 東京大學總合文化研究科准教授
石之瑜 台灣大學政治系教授
吳翎君 東華大學歷史系教授
呂文浩 中國社會科學院近代史研究所副研究員
李福鐘 政治大學台灣史研究所副教授
李朝津 臺北大學歷史系教授
林泉忠 中央研究院近代史研究所副研究員
邵軒磊 臺灣師範大學東亞系助理教授
周惠民 政治大學文學院院長兼人文中心主任
周琇環 國史館協修
馬建標 上海復旦大學歷史系助理教授
唐啟華 東海大學歷史系教授兼系主任
張 力 中央研究院近代史研究所研究員
張啟雄 中央研究院近代史研究所研究員
許育銘 東華大學歷史系副教授
廖敏淑 政治大學歷史系助理教授

The “International Order and the Shaping of China’s Diplomacy” academic seminar was held on February 1st, 2013, at seventh floor second conference room of Administration Building, National Chengchi University.
This seminar, presenting the fruitful results of former seminars since last year, 2012, was conducted by Young Scholars of Diplomatic History research team supported by the “Aim for the Top University Project: The Shaping of Modern China”under Center for Humanities Research, National Chengchi University. The Young Scholars of Diplomatic History, consisted of young Ph.D. students or assistant professors from different fields, was an ambitious and energetic research team with a great passion for academic research. The team has published China's Diplomacy from Multiple Perspectives in 2011 and The Interpretation and Application of International Law in China in 2012.
The seminar invited experts in diplomatic history home and abroad, including Professor Chi-Hua Tang from the Department of History of Tunghai University, Professor Chiu-Chun Lee from the Department of History of National Taipei University, Researcher Li Chang and Chi-Hsiung Chang from the Institute of Modern History of the Academia Sinica, Professor Kawashima Shin from the Graduate Department of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies of the University of Tokyo in Japan, Assistant Professor Jian-Biao Ma from the Department of History of Fudan University in Shanghai and Researcher Wen-Hao Lu from the Institute of Modern History of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Meawhile, the seminar also invited Professor Chih-yu Shih from the Department of Political Science of National Taiwan University and Assistant Professor Hsuan-Lei Shao from the Department of East Asian Studies of National Taiwan Normal University so as to enhance interdisciplinary communication as well as the variety of seminar discussions.
Nine articles were expected to be released for academic references in the seminar this year. For example, in China’s Efforts to Return to the International Community: Centering on the Inspections of Problems of the Emperor’s Return, Adjunct Assistant Professor Shen-Hua Lu analyzed the emperor’s role and the process of restoring order after the Incident of Gengxin, as well as the efforts of Chinese diplomats and complicated international factors involved. In Participation in Civil Order: The Analysis of China’s Establishment of Internment Camps, Ph.D. Student Zhen-Feng Tsai discussed the measures taken by the Chinese government against prisoners of war and its participation in international law and world order during World War I. And in Shifting Direction of the British Governement’s Policy of Pirate Suppression in Guangdong Province in the 1920s, Associate Professor Chun-Hao Ying brought up the problems, measures, ways of cooperations and solutions between the Guangdong Provincial Government and the Government of Hong Kong during the British rule. Although priate problems were considered issues of maritime security, and though eventually the two parties had no choice but to give up cooperative works, the problems of pirate suppression, with the unfolding of First United Front political event, somehow made the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office take a more prudent attitude toward these issues, which again manifested the subtle connections between China’s foreign policy and its goal to maintain harmonious maritime order.
The three articles mentioned above centered on different topics and issues; however, they all displayed modern China’s responses to world order. After the success of National Revolutionary Army’s Northern Expeditions, conflicts of different views on East Asian order between the Republic of China and Japan occurred. The Attempt of the Nationalist Government to Seek International Mediation during the Sino-Soviet Conflictwritten by Director Wen-Lung Wang, Shifting Historical Glitches: The Post-War Inspection of Chinese Customers (1945-1946) written by Assistant Researcher Chih-Yun Chang, and The Post-War East Asian Order and the Policy of the Republic of China toward the Ryukyu Islands: Centering on Political Movements of the Ryukyuan People in Taiwan written by Adjunct Researcher Tzu-Chen Yang also discussed the problems of maintaining East Asian order from different aspects, as well as displayed the conflicts and compromises of international law, expatriates policies and customer appointments.
As World War II came to an end and new world order was being established, China participated in the ideal order established by the United Nations, and also got itself involved in the Cold War Frame dominated by two strong powers, the United States and Russia. The study of China’s Complaint to the United Nations against the United States’s Invasion of Taiwan in 1950 written by Assistant Professor Tao-Chung Hsiao, and The Full Story of China’s Right of Representation at the World Health Organization (1948-1972) presented by Ph.D. Student Feng-Yuan Hsu, respectively discussesed, by studying the ways the United Nations and its principal organs work, how China had participated in the post-war world order maintenance and had consolidated its own power. In addition, The Third Qingdewan Incident and East Asian Orderin the Cold War Era: The Remote Causes of the Problems of Senkaku Islands, presented by Ph.D. Student Tian-Hao Jen, also discussed the authority and development issues of the islands in East China Sea, catching the public’s full attention and providing a different perspective on such issues nowadays.
The nine articles mentioned above analyzed the process of transformations that China had undergone when it gradually got itself involved in the international community through various events at different times and from different perspectives. And these articles also provided relatively persual and careful observations for understanding the shaping of Modern China’s diplomacy.
List of seminar participants (surname in alpabetic order)
Researcher Chang, Chi-Hsiung
Institute of Modern History of the Academia Sinica
Researcher Chang, Li
Institute of Modern History of the Academia Sinica
Associate Researcher Lim, Chuan-Tiong
Institute of Modern History of the Academia Sinica
Associate Researcher Lu, Wen-Hao
Institute of Modern History of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Assistant Editor Chou, Hsiu-Huan
Academia Historica
Director Chou, Hui-Min
Center for Humanities Research, National Chengchi University.
College of Liberal Arts

Professor Lee, Chiu-Chun
Department of History of National Taipei University
Professor Shin, Kawashima
Graduate Department of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies of the University of Tokyo
Professor Shih, Chih-yu
Department of Political Science of National Taiwan University
Professor Tang, Chi-Hua
Department of History of Tunghai University
Professor Wu, Ling-chun
Department of History of National Dong Hwa University
Associate Professor Hsu, Yu-Ming
Department of History of National Dong Hwa University
Associate Professor Li, Fu-Chung
Graduate Institute of Taiwan History
Assistant Professor Min-Shu Liao
Department of History of National Chenghi University
Assistant Professor Ma, Jian-Biao
Department of History of Fudan University in Shanghai
Assistant Professor Shao, Hsuan-Lei
Department of East Asian Studies of National Taiwan Normal University










張 力教授



















































